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Global News is committed to providing Canadians with accurate, balanced, timely and comprehensive news coverage. We offer Canadians from coast to coast a wealth of news and information; from breaking news in their community to deep engaging content. With a diverse team of over 200 journalists working in our more than a dozen local newsrooms, we provide community-based news, weather and information, while our national shows like The West Block, The Morning Show and Global National feature stories, analysis and deep, engaging content about issues in Canada and abroad. In 2013, our flagship newscast Global National won the prestigious Edward R. Murrow Award for Overall Excellence in Network Television. One of the most important television news accolades, this marked the first time a Canadian network has won in the award's more than 40-year history. Global has also taken the lead in creative and innovative news story telling. Our on-line platform is one of Canada's most visited news websites and was awarded with an international EPPY award for best new website in 2013.